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Shipping to the US and other countries outside of the European Union (EU)

By default, we offer physically delivered/shipped products within the European Union (EU) only but for some items we can make an exception, if they are declarable to customs of your country (e.g. the repacking toy, rubber, socks, toys, gear, merchandise such as autograph cards, HornyKinkyBoy Shit Towel and T-Shirt, so everything which is clean and declarable).

Unfortuantely, excrements or messed up gear and toys are not eligible to be sent to countries outside of the European Union (EU).

If you want to place an order for such eligible and declarable products, please send us the links to the products, the quantity, and the country to be shipped to and we will be happy to check the shipping methods and follow-up with a customized quotation as you can order through our shop system directly.

Please be aware, that the shipment may be subject to import taxes / customs duties and/or fees imposed by the destination country. So additional charges may apply on top of the amount you pay to us at your end. Further, if the shipment won't pass through the customs of the designated country, (e.g. if someone checks and opens up the package and finds that the contents are not suitable to import), there won’t be a refund!

There is NO change or limitation for electronically delivered/shipped products such as video downloads, you can order them directly and easily through our shop system!

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