Two days ago, Kevin had an unforgettable scat session with a friend and got fed by him with lots of shit. Today, he dumps what his scat master fed him two days ago. The outcome is an awesome pile of horny shit with a great smell and texture. Thanks to my sexy feeder for feeding me your tasty shit and see you soon! 🙂
Duration: 05:34 minutes
As Kevin held out his luscious turd, it seemed he was offering it to me. I wanted to take a bite and taste and chew and swallow his shit. Take the hard nodules and push them into my nose and ears. But I had to content myself with just looking, salivating, wanking. Hurry back, Kevin, and shit for us again.
Kevin’s shit is so beautiful I jerk to sleep to it and in the morning jerk all over again. It’s the first and last image I see. Pigs need to be able to dream.
Please Kevin, give us more. You are a SUPERSTAR!??
Yes, yes YES….a thousand times yes to just luxuriate in the sight of Shit, manshit which is what we all love. Please give me more closeups of turdmeat!